Thread: Gear ratio?
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Old 05-09-2004, 03:51 PM   #8
Longhorn Man
its all about the +6 inches
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You'll see the gears in there. All you need to do is count the teeth on the drive gear, and on the driven gear, and devide the two. If the gears are stock, then the tooth count will be stamped somewhere on there. I'll see if I can't dig up a pic somewhere.
Also, if your truck is all original, or a well preserved truck, there are some asumptions that can be made too. What year is your truck? What is the combo your truck came with in 1/2 ton or 3/4 ton, what size engine and kind of tranny...and is there any gear option listed in the glove box?

Regardles of what we say, was stock, they could have been chainged out at any point in the past 32 or more years your truck has been around.
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