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Old 07-16-2018, 05:34 PM   #3
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Re: Suburban Tub differences

Originally Posted by GMC85HighSierra View Post
As far as I know the doors/tailgate will interchange, but the door panels are most likely different. If you have a 73, you most likely have the door panels that don't cover the whole door. 77-91 burbs had the "full" door panels. If you have barn doors, the tub must have barn doors. If it has a tailgate, the tub must have a tailgate. Otherwise you'll need to do some body work to get the tailgate or barn doors. Thanks
I do believe you are right. I took a door off the 73 and it fit and lined up on the other tub. I did some research on the tailgate and barn door interchangability and it looks like a huge pain in the rear. My 73 is tailgate the new tub is barn.

You are also right on the door panels. My 73 is like a partial door panel. Also the door doesnt have a hole for the wires for power windows.

As of right now , i am leaning towards swapping the 73 front clip to my 88 tub. Theres too much body rot on the 73 to make it worth swapping the other way.
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