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Old 07-16-2018, 11:37 PM   #8
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Re: Emblem install help paint problems

Thanks so much I appreciate the help. So they didn't do an amazing job I'll attach a photo of some of the holes. Th e photo is from the mirror holes So as you can see I I can see where they are they didn't do a great job and there's like Bondo snakes coming out the backside. So I figure from your suggestions I'll take the front and maybe come from the backside? Plus I have to figure this out anyways because they did the same thing to my rearview mirror holes and im pretty sure I'm not taping those bad boys on haha. But if I don't like how the 1st hole goes 3m tape sounds awesome for at least the emblems hadnt thought of that
Thanks so much for the advice I'll keep you posted. You all are awesome
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Last edited by Missyblue; 07-16-2018 at 11:43 PM.
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