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Old 07-18-2018, 11:33 AM   #5
Robert Haas
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Join Date: Mar 2014
Location: Salinas Ca.
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Re: LED Headlight Conversion

Originally Posted by theastronaut View Post
I had a set of Dapper 7" V2 HID's in my Miata, ended up going back to Cibie H4's because they perform soooo much better. Dapper uses small H1 halogen projectors with re-based HID bulbs, so the optics aren't designed for the HID bulb. The beam pattern was only 90* wide, not at all adequate. They also include instructions on how to bend the three prongs on the base if the bulbs to center the hot spot with the middle of the cut off... the end user should not have to adjust the bulb's placement inside the reflector! Very poor quality control. The cut-off was clean and sharp, but there's way more to a "tightly controlled beam pattern" than having a good cutoff. The fact that they offer a halogen, HID, and LED bulb with the same projector shows that they don't really care about the beam pattern...
Here we go again.


The guy asked about LED's not HID's

You keep posting about your one bad experience with a HID project you had on your little Import.

You have no experience at all with modern focuse beam LED head lights so kindly shut the heck up.

You trashed my original thread about a positive experience I had with a company that has some of the absolute finest customer support and deserve to be considered by any of us.

If anyone wants advice on sealed beam upgrades, you are the guy.
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