Thread: 60-66 Blue
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Old 07-18-2018, 11:39 AM   #221
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Re: 60-66 Blue

Originally Posted by Mullda View Post
Fortunately no one was around so no others involved. I was quite thankful for that.

Yeah it has a rather aggressive rake. It is really hard to find tires for those tiny wheels. :-)
I had the same thing happen to me only mine was on a tow truck going down the freeway. I had been hearing a clunking noise so I called the tow truck to tow me home. Suddenly the tow truck driver said o crap and pulled to the side of the road. I looked back and saw my tire bouncing down the freeway into on coming traffic and then saw it come bouncing back. I have no idea what it hit. I don't think it was a car because there were no accidents that we could see after we proceeded on our way. Fortunately no damage was don to my truck or anyone else. I never got the wheel and tire back. It landed on the center divider and I did not have a vehicle to go pick it up in.
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