Originally Posted by 71cadc10
224/230 duration at .050 is going to make a 5.3 lope considerably, and need a convertor for sure in a heavy truck.
I have a 211/230 LS7 stock cam in mine, when I did the DOD delete. it is noticeably light on low end power from 1500 to about 3500. Could use a convertor for it really to wake it up. So I can see how the 224/230 is really not what you were wanting for end results.
when you put the timing sprocket on, was it a 2x or 4x sprocket ? If the kit came with a 2x sprocket for instance (3 bolt), then the cam signal will not be correct. Your 09 should be using a 4x sprocket, with 58x crank. The 4x wheel has 4 raised bumps of different lengths on the front face of the camshaft sprocket. Sounds like you are going back in to change cams, when you get to that point confirm which one you have
Completely agree ^^^
The low lift of the cam means nothing for the idle. 224/230 @.50 is very aggresive for a stock 5.3. The low lift just allows you to leave the stock springs. I think you’ll be very pleased with the stage 2 came they’re sending you. You’re having to change the springs for the stage 2 because the cam has more lift, but able to use your stock converter because the cam has a lot less duration, so your power band will come in much sooner.