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Old 07-19-2018, 12:30 AM   #6
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Re: Adding Vacuum Pump for brakes

OK, what is wrong with the system that it doesn't pull enough vacuum at all times to properly operate the brakes?

Cammed up? Vacuum leak? No check valve between the intake and the booster? Issue with the vacuum line running to the booster? Too small a passage way somewhere in it due to a fitting with a small orifice?

Or you just going by redneck measurements where it has to slide the wheels to have good brakes rather than actually stopping quick and straight without sliding a tire?

How does it actually stop? Straight, reasonably quick? Poorly? Or???
Founding member of the too many projects, too little time and money club.

My ongoing truck projects:
48 Chev 3100 that will run a 292 Six.
71 GMC 2500 that is getting a Cad 500 transplant.
77 C 30 dualie, 454, 4 speed with a 10 foot flatbed and hoist. It does the heavy work and hauls the projects around.
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