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Old 07-20-2018, 01:00 PM   #16
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Re: Trying to make Junky perhaps just a little bit Funky...

Originally Posted by DD1 View Post
If I had to buy a new chassis, then I pretty much should have bought a different truck, not that I don't already think I got suckered when I bought it. I certainly did not know what I was doing or what I should have been looking for, and I paid way too much for it. I have already replaced almost everything around the frame.

I am impressed that you are considering building your own frame. That takes way more skill, time, and tools than I have. Especially the skill part.
I got into the same situation with my Chevelle, just didn't have any experience and didn't know what to look for.

TBH though, after tearing apart the frame on my truck I don't think building one would be that hard! There are only about 14 mounting points for the body to worry about, and the measurements are all out there. I'd probably use a cheap mustang II crossmember for the front and build around that.
1968 LWB C20 / AC / Wood Bed
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