Thread: Working on it
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Old 07-23-2018, 11:41 PM   #1
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Working on it

I have been on this site for a while now and I have got some good advice from some of you that are really versed on these trucks. That is a good thing for rookies like me. I bought a 62 project truck about 2 years ago. I thought I could get it finished and on the road quickly. One thing has lead to another and I am still plugging away at it. closer inspection showed me that some things were not ready for the road. Air bags were installed but not finished, no brakes, and Eaton rear end had a problem. I had a 10 bolt and the bolt pattern matched the front. Piece of cake right, quick fix. Someone suggested I notched the frame since I plan to use the air bags to lower the stance. I didn't know enough to leave things alone. I have worked on cars and trucks in the past but never tore any down as far as I have had toto all who have answered go with this one. I will post some picks showing some my progress. Thanks to all who answered my questions.
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