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Old 07-25-2018, 04:02 PM   #170
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Re: Ridetech 4-Link Coil-Over Install

Originally Posted by jimboh247 View Post
I've got a question. I'm not a mechanical engineer, but.....

Would have it been possible to move everything inboard of the frame rails?

Is there something that wouldn't allow for such a move.

By the looks, that would allow for some really big tires out back, without frame mods.

Love the kit! I'm saving my pennies and dimes for my set up!
You can run a pretty wide tire out back with this kit as well. The truck below was built by Classic Car Studio using this same kit. This truck current has 315-35-20s on the rear and a 275-35-20 on the front and still has a little room to spare all the way around. Keep in mind, this usually requires a custom offset wheel but the kit itself doesn't really pose a lot of interference in regards to wheel and tire clearance.
*Just a note: This truck does have Slosh Tubz in the front and mini tubs in the rear. As with any drastically dropped Square, factory wheel tubs limit you more than anything else.

Name:  CCS Squarebody.jpg
Views: 526
Size:  32.0 KB

Name:  CCS Squarebody 2.jpg
Views: 405
Size:  69.8 KB
John J.
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