Thread: VA 67 GMC Suburban
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Old 07-31-2018, 05:43 PM   #1
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67 GMC Suburban

Pulled a badly rusted out 67 Suburban home last weekend. No fenders or hood, engine/transmission. Otherwise there and obviously been sitting out this way for quite some time.

Saying that, I can't use all of the parts so if you have a need, let me know and we can go from there.

It has (4) FOUR seats in it. The back two match in style and I am not sure what they are from. Thinking this could have been a small bus type vehicle. Government maybe. No PS, PB but auto.

Steering wheel is there with horn cap. Will need to be restored as there are some small cracks.

Front seat, middle short seat with brackets, 3rd and 4th seat. 3rd appears the same length as the factory 2nd. 4th seems longer and fits the rear area correctly. Wild setup.

Rear side panels are non-existent and no trim for them either.

Seems to have a rear heater of some sort for the 3rd/4th seats that tied into the heater hoses. Makes me think more about it being a transport vehicle before.

If there is something you are looking for, let me know. I am not out to make money on this, just want to share the find.

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