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Old 08-01-2018, 09:52 AM   #3
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Location: Cbus, Ohio
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Re: '78 K20 to C10. Almost 20 years in the making.

I finished up my fender emblems last night... well sort of, I may still add a coat of satin clear to them to dull the silver met a little. But the colors are done. Im pretty happy with them. Not perfect but not bad for an amateur. I think Im just gonna mount them with double sided tape. Seeing as how you can't put the nuts on the back with the fenders on the truck.

The yellow came from mixing these 2 testors colors. Sqaurebody Syndicate posted this combo.

Oh and I forgot to post that I got my title, reg and plates for the truck. So its officially legal. Oh and I got my taillights and reg lamp installed. Ill post a picture of those later. Everything works. I just need to finish routed and securing up the harness. Its too long so I may shorten it up.

'78 C10 Build
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