Thread: '50 chevy 3100
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Old 08-03-2018, 11:42 PM   #146
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Re: '50 chevy 3100

I had mentioned making "arms" for my brake assembly to extend it to brace to the dash. It's ugly but I got it done. Used metal from my donor frame, pieces that still had a lip from where it was a channel. Pretty thick and the extra edge I feel gave it some stability.

I probably over thought it but it's installed. Spent a long time bending them into shape. Clamp, hammer, check it, hammer again. I also put the original brace in too. Even with the brake assembly out, I couldnt get it back in with out some trimming. Maybe I fixed it wrong. It rusted in two where it bolted to firewall. Right down the crease, only rust it had. I cleaned it up, used anouther piece over them and welded it back together.

Anyways, both are in and painted. I also did some sanding on a couple bondo spots. Remember that hole I filled in where maybe an antenna went? I'll try to sand and finish it tomorrow.

I've got a couple other spots to fix, I think I'll have them on tomorrow too with pics.
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1950 Build
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