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Old 08-04-2018, 04:35 PM   #3
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Re: 1974 C20 Soon to become a project...

The truck now has the rear mounted gas tank installed and gas lines are being run. The filler neck will be coming out the back, behind a Camaro flip down license plate holder on the new OEM bumper.

All the bodywork is done; primed and blocked and ready for black base coat. My friends are out Tuna fishing and we will be looking at sometime mid-August to squirt color and clear.

I started a thread in the Paint section where we thoroughly thrashed the best method to "match" the black on the new parts I purchased, with the black that was going on the cab, doors and fenders.

Since trying to "match" the black would yield questionable results even with the best efforts, the consensus was to scuff the clear coat on the already painted parts I bought, with 800 grit, and lay down a couple coats of black base. Then lay two or three coats of black base on the cab, doors and fenders. Follow that with several coats of clear and buff.

During this discussion, I was referred to SPI products. I called the owner, Barry, and he spent at least 30 minutes politely educating me on the subtle in's and out's of painting and what constitutes a good quality paint verses an expensive paint.

I was initially given the choice between OMNI at $179/gallon and Deltorn at $728/gallon. After talking to Barry, and having a much clearer picture of what constitutes "quality" in making paint, I asked him to give me a recommended shopping list of products to re-coat the whole truck in black base and clear it. Within 10 minutes, Barry had emailed me the list and pricing: $547 for EVERYTHING!

Now, price plays a role, but more importantly, the quality and real-world applications are what sold me. The Pebble Beach Concourse winner used the Black base and clear from SPI. Each month (or as often as they are held), as many as 40-50+ vehicles at the worlds best high-end auctions have used SPI's products. . . many cars that sell well into the six figures.

So, if it's good enough for these people, its good enough for me. Barry has turned the paint world on its head, by supplying superior product at value pricing.

Now, I am REAL excited to get this project on its final leg home to completion, with new paint and clear all around. I will be driving the 90 miles to the shop on Thursday next week, to document the gas tank and get before paint photos and deliver my AMAZING wing window assemblies.

I hope to post several updates a week from now, with photos, that show what all has been done over the past few months.


--Project BABA YAGA!...
--Project BABA YAGA!...

"Life is tough - wear a cup!"
"Old Enough to Know Better - Too Young to Resist"
"Junk is something you will need three weeks after you throw it away."
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