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Old 08-08-2018, 02:33 PM   #9
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Re: 1955 Long Distance Build

Originally Posted by caseyjones View Post
Thanks! New upper mounts have already been delivered so one less thing to worry about.
Good deal!

The thread title reminded me of troubleshooting a miss on my pickup truck while I was deployed to Japan in the late 1980s, before Internet. Just before I deployed, my Power Wagon developed a miss on one cylinder. It even overheated on me on my way home to store it. For six months, I had to sit on my hands, running all the symptoms through in my head and troubleshooting it in my mind. By the time we returned to the States, I was certain it was a burnt exhaust valve.

I took a few days of leave when we got home, sourced a set of heads, and commenced to tear things down in Mom and Dad's garage. Four hours later, the truck was running like a top again. The number 5 exhaust valve had a pie slice burn through the head of the valve, problem solved.

Time and distance isn't always a bad thing. Sometimes being further away from the project brings clarity.

My '57 "Ram-rolet" not a NAPCO build:
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