Thread: 1950? S-10 tdi
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Old 08-14-2018, 04:07 PM   #1
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1950? S-10 tdi

This is the start of my next truck build. It's a 1985 2.8L 5spd 2wd. Previous owner did a shiny paint job which will help me sell the body when it comes time to build, all I was interested in was the frame and 5spd. But it will be my daily till the swap.
If any of you have read my previous GMC build you can probably figure I like to think out of the box for my drive train. This one will have a 1.9L TDI out of a 99 Jetta. I bought it of a fellow offroader that had it in his Jeep. It already is bolted to a 5spd. The drive train swap will happen next spring and I will likely drive the s10 like that for a year or 2 before I do the old GM.
The plan is to sell the truck once I am done.
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1951 MG TD
1967 Jeep CJ5 1.9L TDI 33X13.5X15 Mud Grapplers.
1952 GMC 9700 p/u 7.3L diesel on air, dually
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