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Old 08-16-2018, 08:01 AM   #884
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Re: post up your camping pics

they have enclosed gondola's and open chairs. son and me managed to talk wife into an open chair, which surprised me and which she regretted right away. she got a little panicky a few times, had to keep mellowing her out, but she stuck it out, even with a death grip on the bar...and this is only about 20-30 feet off the ground
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she did manage to spot another prairie dog down there.
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as we were coming to the top, spied a grizzly up the hill further they were herding off with a couple trucks. at the top of the lift your kinda in an electronic pen. they have an electrified fence and an electrified bear strip on the ground surrounding the lift to keep out the wildlife, it's actually a common thing grizzlies wandering onto the hill.
not the best, a long distance shot i had to blow up the size
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