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Old 08-16-2018, 08:46 PM   #8
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Re: Backfire under loads

Originally Posted by D13 View Post
TCC on 700R4 does nothing in 1st gear. If you have the problem in 1st then it's not the TCC.
TCC is fed by 2nd gear oil. If there is a problem where it locks on in 2nd the motor will lug horribly at the1-2 shift.
Yes, the TCC is wired. Power thru the brake switch so touching brake pedal will dump it.

My guess is that the cam is off a tooth on the chain, or my favorite - someone put a high RPM cam in a stock motor and converter won't flash enough to let it run right. Neighbor had that on his Ferd, put in a junkyard motor that turn out to have been built to run 4500-7000. Explained why they couldn't get it to idle at 800. Set the idle at 1500 and added a ton o timng and it made scary power.
So a little update. I added a ton more initial timing. It's close to 30* now and runs much better. Not great but WAY better. Doesn't backfire under load. Still feels like it's lugging. In park it idles and pretty much dies when dropped in gear. Wound up it sounds pretty good. I'm thinking the same that cam is off a tooth or super loose chain based on previous timing events with this.

Originally Posted by cadillac_al View Post
Double check your firing order.
Double checked and it's good!!
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