Originally Posted by davepl
The scam with magazines seems to be "renewal" forms that aren't really renewals, but new offers. After all, you don't want to not stop failing to not receive it, right?
So if someone else in the house does the renewals for you, they have to be careful! Hemmings is the worst, they continually try to get you to sign up for the old classified stuff when you subscribe to their mags (the mags are good, but eBay displaced Hemmings classifieds for most stuff).
Excellent point Dave - and this is the main reason I have almost not subscriptions. When you sign up for a year, seems you get a renewal notice after about 2 months, and every 2 thereafter. So, but the time a year goes by and your first actual subscription ends, you've already paid for the next 6 years (IF you actual pay for all those in between).... If I do subscribe, I let it expire and let them make me an offer I can't refuse to come back