Originally Posted by lolife99
Just remember that tie rods and ball joints are different between the 67-70 trucks and the 71-72 trucks. So is the center link and tie rod sleeves.
Engine frame stands are the same. You will need the disc brake prop valve since your 69 is just a distribution block.
M/c will need to be swapped to the disc brake version. I suggest a 71-72 model or aftermarket.
Personally I wouldn’t change the crossmember itself unless you plan to use 71-72!steel brake lines. They route differently to the front side.
But there are ways to address that without swapping the crossmember itself.
Yes, X2!!!
Get all the steering components, center link, tie rod parts, steering gear box if possible. Unbolt everything from the frame.
As Keith mentioned the cross member is not needed, but 6 or 8 bolts will allow you to drop everything except the steering parts.
I have a couple of manual disc m/cyls from salvage yards for my 67 and 68, when that day comes. I cut the steel brake lines below the m/cyl and take m/cyl and prop valve all together. May not hurt the get the push rod that's attached to the brake pedal.
Keith, is the push rod different? I was wondering, was reading a thread here. I did not get them off parts vehicles that I robbed manual disc m/cyl's from....