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Old 08-27-2018, 09:26 AM   #21
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Re: Backfire under loads

Originally Posted by liftlawssuck View Post
So more of an update. I pulled the timing chain cover off and the chain was loose. Not as loose as I had hoped but loose enough. Turned it all over to see if the timing was correct between cam and crank and it was dead nuts on. I took the tool to find TDC and located it and found the timing tab was correct with the mark on balancer. Curious now I took the dist cap off to see where rotor was and rotor was 180* out. well that will make it run like crap!!! So at least I found a definitive problem and will correct it while the motor is all apart so I know it will be installed at TDC. Now the problem is with myself. I know I had brought up the #1 piston and felt compression many times on this motor but man I missed something. This isn't like me and it will eat me up for a week now trying to figure out where I went wrong.
It won’t run like crap 180 degrees out. Because It just won’t run. It can’t.
When the rotor was pointing at #6 it’s likely #1 plug wire was right there on the cap.
You can put #1 anywhere on the cap as long as #1 is on tdc compression.
And then wire the rest of the wires correctly.
Sticking your thumb over the plug hole works good if you understand there’s pressure twice in the cycle. Once on compression, once on exhaust.
What tool did you use for finding tdc?
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