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Old 08-28-2018, 04:10 PM   #105
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Re: Rebuilding my 1977 plow truck

Got the 205 transfer case on Monday, started install on Tuesday morning. It actually is a pretty straight forward easy install. the differences that I ran into are: driveshafts---front needs to be shortened, rear has to be longer. They are on the way to the driveshaft place as I write this. I should have them back Thursday or Friday. The speedo cable is on the opposite side of the tail shaft, in my case it was long enough to rerouted and put back on with no problem. The shifter lined up nicely in the hole, it does hit just a bit when going into 4 low. I could have bent the shifter or cut a bit of tin to make it clear but since I never use low range and it does go into low I decided to leave it well enough alone. The boot is a bit off center and doesn't fit tight on the top. I am thinking about buying a shift knob with the correct pattern on it. The crossmember and mounts lined up with no modifications. All and all I think it is probably the best way out of the NP203 problems without replacement of the trans.
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