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Old 08-29-2018, 05:10 AM   #1
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Join Date: Mar 2015
Location: Manchester, CT
Posts: 433
Changing the rear axle...again

When I first got my C10 (I6, 4spd, 12 bolt 2:73), I knew I was gonna convert it to LS/4L60E. So I bought an axle from an '86 C10 and was told it was a 3:42. Wrong!! Turned out to be a 3:08. Went ahead and used it anyways. Definitely a good hiway gear, but I still wanted a little more gear. Well, after a long search, found a 3:42 axle from an '86 GMC 1500 4x4 (try finding a 3:42 from a 2X4...good luck with that, especially in New England). Anyways, I pulled the cover, checked the ring and found the numbers 41/12 stamped into it. Yes!! 3:42!! But... while looking at the gears for wear/broken teeth, I found a side gear spider with more craters than the moon. Was thinking, if I gotta fix it anyhow, why not pull the carrier and install a posi unit. Anyone have 1st hand knowledge of the Eaton TrueTrac (#912A556), and is this a decent choice for a street truck/toy? Thanks
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