Well, after two years of work, I'm finally driving the truck some now. Got the exhaust done. Then got it to the engine shop for a (next to) final tune (road and dyno) last week. Got out in it over the weekend and shot some gopro video. Didn't get too crazy yet. Need to get used to the new power and how the truck deals with it (not well so far), its REALLY squirrely.
Here's one of the final dyno pulls.
A first, second and third gear burnout (nothing too nuts and I kept trying not to hit the rev limiter).
And just a couple going through the gears with just "moderate" enthusiasm, not a speed/acceleration run.
I've got just a shortlist of items to finish the swap. I need to get the cruise control working. I need to tighten up the rear axle/suspension (working on this with Rob at No Limit) and get this thing more stable when I romp on it. Need to tie the A/C request with the PCM to activate my high rpm/ WOT cutouts (tuner said he can enable that for me and I have a spare wire I pulled). Need to get the squeaky/chirpy serpentine belt quieted down (shorter belt that I can tension to spec I think). And my kid requested I get shoulder belts instead of just the lap belts. Not a bad idea.