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Old 08-31-2018, 08:57 PM   #11
Robert Crandall
Junior Member
Join Date: Nov 2014
Location: Virginia Beach, Virginia
Posts: 85
Re: Windsheild Washer keeps running

I had that problem with my 1978. It took weeks of looking, but I finally figured out the problem is mechanical. There is a wheel with a cam that operates with the windshield wiper motor. You activate the washer, the wheel makes one revolution, and a cam turns the pump off. On mine the cam is worn, so instead of turning the pump off, it bypasses the pump switch. The only fix was to buy a new windshield wiper motor, which I will not do until I need one for the wipers. I let it pump dry maybe 20 years ago, and never filled the water bottle. It may still pump when the wipers are on.
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