Misc Switches and Electrical
All are plus shipping.
#1 - $2 - assorted flashers
#2 - $5 - good shape - tabs are still on it!
#3 - $20 for the two top ones they are oem, the other 2 are $15, the know is $10
#4 - $25 - both have keys, the other items are free for shipping costs
#5 - $10 - Don't know where the knobs are from
#6 - $5 - Horn relays 3 are oem
#7 - $20 - wiper switches - $20 for the two with knobs and $15 for the one without
#8 -$5 - dimmer switches - 2 are oem
#9 - $10 - cigar lighters, not sure of the year or correctness, but 2 have the bezel
#10 - $5 - Stop light switches
#11 - $10 - after market voltage regulators
#7 - $
Make it a great day!