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Old 09-07-2018, 10:59 AM   #10
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Re: OEM air cleaner size/dimensions for 1983 GMC pickup?

Originally Posted by geezer#99 View Post
can you legally get this truck on the road in sc. changed cabs and frames sometimes create night mares. Serial numbers don’t match.
You could just end up with a parts truck.
Some very good assistance here but this last bit sounds unduly pessimistic to me. Lots of cab, bed, and frame swaps on this site. If the truck has been registered in its current configuration then it is probably fine. If you have a required inspection in your state then you may have more of an issue but not necessarily. I assume this is what Geez was referring to. In my state you bring in the title from its state of origin and you pay your money and leave with your new plates.

If you have concerns along these lines then post a new thread. This thread's content has moved well beyond its title. I doubt very much that your truck will be relegated to parts status.

Back to the air cleaner: I have an '82 with an intact 305 4 barrel. They came with gigantic air cleaners like the big-block engines, at least my high-output LE9 engine did and I've seen other similar ones. You'll probably need something like this:,36140.html

Unless you replace some parts per below. Based on it sitting open like that I would pull the carb off to clean it and if you are hoping to use this engine without a rebuild I would pull the intake manifold and heads and clean everything down to the top of the pistons and then make sure the crank rotates and the pistons move freely. Ask more about that in a new thread if you don't have familiarity. Finally, since you will have the carb and intake off I would replace them with a 4 barrel setup.

Good luck and post some pictures of your truck!
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