Good stuff man, thank you. You guys talked me into paint for the steering.
You mentioned rubber countr, - I've considered PC for the pulleys. Word is the belt surface needs to be taped off, so maybe an option.... I can't say if you should tape the same for paint instead, but strikes me paint is a better option.
Subject of exhaust manifolds, I'm currently leaning at ceramic for those, the heat stove and pipe, and probably the RH exhaust shield (BBC) too. I may throw in the A/C bracket that "needs" redone anyway.
Forgot to mention in the OP, I see some people tape off the surface on the A-arms for coil springs when using powder coat. I asked the guy mentioned in the OP his opinion, he doesn't believe it's necessary. My lower A-arms pending, but the uppers were PC'd. Don't mind doing it again if it's right. Then again, if the surfaces shouldn't be PC'd, what the heck, tape off the PC and paint the surfaces?..........................That's rhetorical for those who would say paint the entire part instead. Heck, maybe I should throw them into the paint it pile anyway, referencing paint for grease parts...Too literal