Originally Posted by ls1nova71
Do you have both brake switch inputs hooked up? Should be one from the PCM that needs power with the brakes not applied and one from the TAC module that. Reds power with the brakes applied. Also, do you have LED taillights by chance?
I've been thinking about this and crawling under the dash to look at stuff all day. I have the light blue to the brake light switch but I wonder if I have it tied to the wire on the wrong side of the switch which is why it shows no status change when I hit the pedal. I'll have to either see what I can see in the factory wiring diagram (or just switch to the other wire).
No LED tailights. Probably that light blue wire....
thanks... I might be on the right track to fix this now. I tell you what- this Tech 2 has been a HUGE help in troubleshooting. I might have to buy one of the knockoffs.