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Old 09-17-2018, 09:50 PM   #7
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Join Date: Sep 2015
Location: Nashville Tennessee
Posts: 34
Re: Ugly, the 1985 k5 coming back from the dead

well this weekend was a busy one! Finally got a call from my transmission builder, and he told me that my case was cracked in the rear where the snap ring holds the reverse drum on and that the reverse drum was banging around in the case. oops. so he sourced me another case, we were ready to reassemble and i picked the trans and converter up the next day!

In the mean time I managed to secure the correct U-joint for the conversion in the rear, and then discovered the front yoke going into the transmission took the same exact bastard joint as well. weird. got the driveshaft, trans, and transfer case all painted up and ready to go back together.

While all that was drying I managed to replace the inner and outer tie rod ends, as well as the steering damper, and test fit some different wheels since the gmt800 17" steelies were rubbing the tie rod ends on the wheel.

I also scored some fairly straight, rust free power doors with glass and mirrors to cut up into half doors. the guy also had a pretty decent manual tailgate with springs and regulator. got it all for $60!

onto some pics!
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