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Old 09-21-2018, 11:59 PM   #2
The Older Generation

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Re: oldie but goodie

Originally Posted by delrico72 View Post
so when i turn the key on my 72 i just got a click.battery is good.put new starter in today and same result.has hei with fusible wire going to starter to hei port marked bat.was told by a local shop that wire from hei to starter isn't necessary.electrical isn't my strong point but bat cables seem ok and could it be the actual key switch.its a cherry c/k 1/2 ton 4x4 shorted I'm putting up for sale so i will get pics up as soon as i get this issue remedied.thanks

Really not enough information. Is it an automatic or manual. The only wire you need going to the starter solenoid with HEI is the purple wire. You don't need the yellow wire. Power the HEI by running a wire inside the cab and connect it to the "IGN UNFUSED" terminal on the fuse block.

Take both of the battery cables off and clean the battery posts and both ends of the cables good.

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