Originally Posted by Killer Bee
I wouldn't just willy-nilly pour TES-295 in my automotive trans without checking specs..
modern automotive ATF has gotten real slippery with non backwards compatibility.. <-- pun intended 
I completely understand your concern and I verified that TES had superior specs compared to and Dextron available, as for the Deli, it is also a good oil.
For sure a gov bomb. I run delo on my G80 with good results. If you feel better the auto parts store can give you the correct fluid needed. Fluid research can be a fine line, but nothing I own has warranty, sI I run what make's it last longer.
Originally Posted by Caminuvik
Thanks, it been a great learning experience.  I will drag it up and park it, thought it was going to be a bonus. 
Love the blazer, looks like a good project