Thread: Detroit locker
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Old 09-23-2018, 04:39 PM   #28
Killer Bee
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Re: Detroit locker

I get your point but you're assumptions aren't fact based and could end up wrecking a drivetrain component because of brand loyalty..

I've been servicing and repairing heavy junk for 30ish years, longer if you include maintaining ag machines on family farm..

I currently supervise 12 mechanics and manage maintenance and repair of approx. 800 pieces of equip. including cranes, utility, earth moving, material handling, class 1-9 trucks, etc.

I get it, completely get it.. but you must verify the machine specs for every compartment before adding/replacing any fluids..

if your formula works for you, great.. but it's not necessarily the best advice across the board..

off my soap box, good luck y'all!
I started out with nothing - and I still have most of it
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