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Old 09-25-2018, 12:41 PM   #1
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1988 TBI to 1991 TBI Conversion Q's

Swapping a '91 Cheyenne 2500 throttle body over to my '88 V30 for a last ditch effort to resolve a power issue. If you want to read more about that, see this thread here---

Anyways, had a couple questions before I proceed.

The TPS on my '88 is a bit different than the '91. If I change the pig-tail will it still work?

I'll be installing the computer from the '91 too, I assume that will work okay with the harness and components on the '88?

'Bout all I can think of for now. I have to pull the injectors, fuel pressure reg and run everything through the glass bead blaster so it can be rebuilt.

Another quick question since I'm thinking of it, what are the symptoms of a bad distributor pickup coil? I think mine is original so I was considering replacement or a new distributor.

Any help, direction or thoughts are greatly appreciated!

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