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Old 09-25-2018, 05:05 PM   #3
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Re: 1988 TBI to 1991 TBI Conversion Q's

Originally Posted by DieselSJ View Post
Have you done any data logging at all?

Here are a couple great videos that can help with diagnostics. While these are based on later systems, the basics still apply with the STFT and LTFT and using them to determine where your issues are.

What do you hope to accomplish with the TB swap? You are throwing unknown quality used parts into a system that already has issues.

I haven't. For some reason the Code Reader doesn't work on this truck. Last time I plugged it in it wouldn't read the ECM. If it did, I'm sure I'd have a better idea of what's going on. Check engine light also doesn't come on.

Thanks, pretty informative videos. I still have to get to the 2nd one. Looks like the possibility of a vacuum leak can be causing this too.

Looking to get it to run "normal". Of course they have been sitting a while but the TBI came out of a known running truck that ran strong but the frame/body rotted out.

What would you suggest? I'm assuming you saw my other thread so you know what has been replaced on this engine/system so far....

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