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Old 09-25-2018, 05:59 PM   #5
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Re: 1988 TBI to 1991 TBI Conversion Q's

That truck was a 3/4 ton, 4WD, long bed with a 350ci and 700R4 transmission. Got around 9-10mpg. As for the rear end gears I don't know.

Thanks for the site! Remember though, even the code reader didn't show anything when I plugged it in... zip... so I'm not sure if that cable will.

As a side note, the '88 was built with about 12 other 73-87's, has a wiring harness from one, computer from another, (3rd ECM I've had in it... seemed to run the best with this one). Harness for a system with the air pump, we deleted that not long after restoration. I'm sure the mismatched components have something to do with it too.

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