Originally Posted by Malone34
I'll start with the first question and yes he is aware of the value after I told him and gave him the option of me buying them off him. He refused knowing I'm wanting to get this truck put together with my dad(it's my dad's cousin) and he said that they've been sitting so long out of his way that if I could do something with them and he could put a nice seat in to finish his project to sell he would be satisfied with the trade. I told him that if I wasn't happy with them down the road I would sell them and he told me go for it. And realistically I wouldn't be selling them till my daughter starts getting embarrassed by sitting in the middle of the truck with her mom and dad lol then I would be going to the true buckets with console. Lastly I'm kinda getting the feeling that the comfort of the seat is going to be hit or miss with each person's definition of comfortable or just the condition of the seat.
I have now labeled you as a good guy! (if you care lol)