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Old 09-30-2018, 10:01 AM   #25
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Re: What do you do for mice problems.

Originally Posted by Canuckvetter View Post
" I hates mieces to pieces"
Last year I put down Bounce fabric softener sheets, & Irish Spring soap.
They pooped on the sheets & ate the soap.
We lost our mouser this summer after 18 years. But frankly for the last 7-8 years he had been sleeping on the job.
What do you use to deter mice?
Those traps you have with the yellow plastic work well. The trick is:
Get you some cotton and dental floss. Tie the cotton to the yellow plastic then coat with some peanut butter. We have some peanut butter that is about four years old and has liquid built up in the bottom. I soak up that cotton with the greasy liquid peanut butter. They will try to pull that cotton off as opposed to just licking it. I've caught over a dozen mice on one trap that I've only baited once. I just drop off the dead mouse in the trash and immediately reset it as is. Set it outside within 50' perimeter of your truck not inside it.
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