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Old 09-30-2018, 11:25 PM   #27
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Re: What do you do for mice problems.

Packrats are a big problem here in Tucson. I hear they are not a problem in Phoenix, as it just gets too hot for them there.
I live near the National Forest boundary. They are a big problem, they eat electrical lines. Asian carmakers thought they were saving the planet by making soy-based wiring insulation -- that just became tasty stuff for packrats. It got so bad that Honda sells "Rodent Tape" which is just like a $3 roll of 3M electrical tape, only theirs is green and has a mousie emoji and a big X printed every few inches, is laced with capsicum and costs $45 a short roll.
Problem is the Southwest packrats would just taste it and say. ,, Muy sabrosa, las linas electricos con suave sabor...''
I've tried the Irish Spring soap. They ate it. I tried the green cube poison. You can't get it anymore around here because Owls and Coyotes would eat the wobbly packrats, and get dosed themselves, and the environmentalists killed it in town. My packrats would take it, cut it down into smaller cubes and sell those to mice in school yards.
I found this Greenpeace earth friendly sachet of herbs that were supposed to repel packrats. Smelled like patchouli -- that scent the bald kids in yellow PJs selling flowers at the airports used to wear. My packrats ate it.
Best thing is to leave your hood up. That way the packrats are not safe from cats or coyotes.
They like to make a nest and line it with cactus buds and point the spines outward to discourage predators. I have to wear gloves when cleaning the engine.
I tried a Hav-A-Hart trap. But I have no heart for vermin, they will just circle around and come back to your tasty wiring harness. I sink the whole trap in a trash can full of water and Mickey drowns in 2 minutes. Flush the carcass into the trash, and reset and rebait. I cannot keep up with the exploding population, but it makes me feel better, thinning out the vermin herd.

Every 25 years I like to rebuild that 292, whether it needs it or not.
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