Re: What do you do for mice problems.
My wifes Honda pilot was a recent victim of mice....ate some of the wiring harness to the purge valve which set off all sorts of warning lights. Had to splice a repair as opposed to the $1800 cost to replace the harnes and traded it in. I researched this topic and found something called the Mouseblocker. I haven't bought it but watched a few youtube videos on it and it's mainly for the engine compartment. I ended up buying peppermint oil and cedar oil from walmart and took a cotton ball and wiped wiring down with it then left the cotton ball in an inconspicuous area. I also placed cedar shavings in the garage and a bunch of moth balls ....we'll see if it all works. I did observe that the new Hondas wrapped a lot of their wiring with a tougher plastic like what you can buy at Jc Whitney etc. I also use a cedar pack that you can get at Menards... Supposedly they dont like the smell but to is it's pleasant.