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Old 10-01-2018, 09:36 PM   #6
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Re: S10 Rear Spring Measurement

so, basically you are looking for the dimension on the frame from the center of the front spring mounting bolt to the rear shackle hanging bolt?

looks like (for 122" wheel base) 20.94 from front bolt to axle centerline, then no dimension spec'd from axle to rear spring frame location. it's a rubber bushing in a bracket on the frame, correct? somewhere just behind the frame cross member located near there?
is your frame cut up or something? missing the frame bracket?
maybe worth a trip to pick n pull with a tape measure or some no stretch string and masking tape? use the string, held against the center of the front mount hole, then arced back to the rear hole. place the tape on the string at those points and mark with sharp pencil then measure the string with the tape. make sure to measure a truck like your frame donor because I think the springs have different lengths between trucks with diff wheelbase.
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