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Old 10-02-2018, 08:24 AM   #4
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Re: putting it back together


I followed these instructions

Worked well. Seated 3 times ...... got the exact measurements.

The stud/sortof bolts that go into the bellhousing ..... they have a nut built into them. But at the end - I did have 3 nuts left over ...... I *think* they go on 3 of the studs ... but not sure why as Ic ant remember when i took them off. eg not sure if they clamp anything down like a ground strap or anything ......

I've got to deal with a broken manifold stud in the head now.

After that probably the engine alignment for rear drive angle and engine mounts.
I think the rule is 3 degrees decline right ........ need to look that back up.
How about height - how much clearance should the front of pan have above the crossmember generally. Another thing I wasn't paying attention on when removed.
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