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Old 05-14-2004, 07:47 PM   #2
crazy longhorn
Fabricate till you "puke"
Join Date: Jun 2002
Location: Ill
Posts: 9,402
you should dump a quart of fluid in the converter so it doesnt startup dry. as far as install,silde it on & rotate it till you feel it set in place a couple times(once on the spline, & once on the pump tangs). if in doubt, lay a straight edge across the front of the trans, & measure how far the converter "lugs" are from the front of the trans case....if memory is with me, it should be about 1 1/4". when you set the trans & converter in place, you should have 3/16-1/4" clearance tween the flexplate, & the mounting lugs on the verter.....if you have to force it to bolt up, the converter is not seated into the pump(stop & fix that problem right away!). best of luck,crazyL
69 longhorn,4" chop,3/5 drop, 1/2 ton suspension/disc brakes,1 1/2" body drop,steel tilt clip, 5.3/Edelbrock rpm intake/600 carb, Hooker streetrod shorties,2 1/2" exhaust/ H pipe/50's Flows , 6 spd Richmond trans,12 bolt/ 3.40 gears....
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