I do everything (...literally):
Sticky traps - check
Snap traps baited with peanut butter - check
Plug in ultra sonic noise maker - check
Irish spring soap - check
Peppermint oil on cotton balls - check
Bounce dryer sheets - check
"Cab fresh" deterent from Tractor Supply store - check
Poison cubes from TSC - check
Basement cat - check
Bucket of antifreeze with spinning pop can, baited with peanut butter - check
I've seen them eat the Irish spring, make a nest with the dryer sheets and poop on the sonic noise thing (probably as a protest)
I've had the best success with the snap traps (placed strategically so they have to get through a small area to get at them, or placed in pairs so that they get hit with one while they are distracted by the other) and the bucket, since it can get multiple victims without resetting.
Ultimately I found
this to be the best solution.