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Old 10-04-2018, 11:34 AM   #110
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Re: Rebuilding my 1977 plow truck

Couple of weeks ago the tire shop/scrap guys across the street were scrapping a 78 chevy 3/4 4x4 I walked over to see what wheels were on it and buy them if possible. I ended up with all 4 steel wheels for $40. As I was looking at it I noticed that it had a vent shade on the right side door. I hadn't seen a set of those in a while. When I was in the dealership I put 100s of these things on, I used to put them on all of my squares. I thought it would be a good addition for the 77 but there was only the one and it wasn't that nice so I didn't bother with it. I went to our last swap meet of the season last weekend and lo and behold on a table was not one but two brand new pairs of vent shades for $10. I bought them without even trying to get him to go lower, he didn't think he would sell them. So on Monday ran a load of tires to the dump and decided that I would install them when I got back to the shop. I tried to find some stainless screws in town but of course no one seems to keep #4 x 1/4 in stock. I put them on with steel screws for now and ordered the stainless ones. While I had it in the shop I also decided it was time to do something about the radio, the volume control would cut out when I tried to adjust it. it was very annoying, I pulled it out, removed the covers and sprayed the controls with contact spray. Put it back in and it works perfect now. I also decided that I should get some wax on the old girl before winter. I picked up some wizards paint sealant and applied that after washing the truck. It is looking pretty good for going on its third winter since paint. Next up--blasting and repaint of the replacement wheels.
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