Thread: Leafs or arms?
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Old 10-06-2018, 08:03 AM   #4
Low Elco
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Re: Leafs or arms?

Funny you show that- my dad (it's his 67) also just bought a 98 GMC SWB that was slammed, and badly. Over the last month, I've gotten it to go pretty well, but it still doesn't have enough room physics wise to tow his boat. (It's an old school Ranger, and they're HEAVY.) So I was considering buying/fabbing a kit very similar to what you have there. Looks good, BTW. I'm a big fan of arms, but If I can spend 3-4 hours and rock and roll and have it be good, I'm inclined that way. Because it's gonna be a whole lotta cutting and drilling and moving to do arms.
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