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Old 10-08-2018, 08:59 PM   #14
Greasey Harley
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Re: Wanna-be Quadrajet guru

Originally Posted by SilverMiner View Post
I've wandered down that road myself lately and have found it to be very rewarding. It's enormously satisfying to get a Qjet to run right, but now I shake my head at all the unnecessary struggles I had with them back in the 80's. They really are excellent when clean, calibrated, and operating within specs. It also really helps now that I'm older to be able to play with a rig that isn't my daily driver required to get me to work in the morning.

So far I've completely relied upon Cliff Ruggles to select and deliver the proper calibration materials such as jets and metering rods. Not the cheapest alternative, but a certain path to success. Really can't say enough good things about that shop, and his forum is an invaluable resource as well.
Well, like I said, I've rebuilt them and made them work before. I'm excited about recalibrating them and getting them to preform.

You're right about Cliff. He is The Man! A couple things were left out of his book, but that book is an amazing resource. And Cliff is Super helpful.
I have been lurking his forum as well.

Also, Lars Grimsurd's tuning papers are incredibly detailed. He emailed me piles of procedures, specs and tech tips. I am still deciphering some of his info. ...That dude must be crazy smart.
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