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Old 10-10-2018, 02:46 PM   #1
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Posts: 28
Engine build opinions

It is finally time in my build to send the 350 to the machine shop. It is the stock 71. My intent is to get more power, but not break the bank or drive-ability of the truck.

I have a high rise aluminum intake manifold and edebrock 600cfm carb I will be using. I have a set of long tube headers and HEI ignition that will also be used.
I currently have a 204/214@050 and plan on using it.

So for the build do I:
1. Put flat tops in with stock heads to increase compression (these are the stock 76CC heads that are fairly recently rebuilt). If I decide to upgrade heads later this somewhat limits my choice, but do I care with a relatively small cam??

2. Go back with the dish pistons and plan on upgrading to vortec heads somewhere down the line.
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