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Old 10-10-2018, 02:51 PM   #6
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Re: 3600 Camper Idea

Originally Posted by eyebuzz View Post
Hi all,

I'm not part of the Advance Design world yet. But am interested in finding a 3600 in the coming months and then longer term building a camper. So in the meantime I've worked up a Photoshop rendering of what I'm thinking. Note these are NOT my trucks (my apologies to anyone's photo I may have used). Hoping this inspires someone to build before me. When I do get around to this I'm going to be as lightweight as possible (i.e. that door won't be part of it! - just having fun).

That's fantastic! I have a newly acquired '50 3600 and I was thinking the same thing! Was tossing around some kind of an art deco theme...
But yea, would love to try some travelling in the old girl.......

The bed length in a 3600 is a goofy 87". Better to find a 3800 with the longer bed like the McQueen example.

Steve weim55 Colorado
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