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Old 05-15-2004, 08:48 PM   #1
Senior Member
Join Date: May 2002
Location: mt juliet, tennessee, usa
Posts: 237
Front End Changeover

Well, I've finally got all the parts and the right brackets to start the changeover
of the front end of the engine. I'm removing the 73 and up stuff and replacing it
with what I'm told is stock 69 stuff...such as the short water pump, alternator
on the drivers side and the correct power steering pump, etc.

Well, I go to put the water pump on and I notice that the tang holding the timing
tab for timing the engine is going to be right below the water pump, and with the short water pump, the timing tab won't be visible from above as it was with the tall water pump.

So, am I going to have to pull the harmonic balancer off and timing chain cover off
and replace them with stock 69 stuff. Or, could I just put #1 on TDC and mark the
balancer off to the side with a corresponding reference mark on the block, should
I have to re-time the engine in the future.

The harmonic balancer currently on the engine is the thick variety, about 1 1/2
inches thick.

Mt Juliet
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